About this site

This page shows the technical information about this site. This page is intended for use by people having technical knowledge. This site is made with Gatsby, graphql and Material-UI, hosted on Firebase.

The dependencies used in making this site:

  • @material-ui/core
  • @material-ui/lab
  • firebase
  • gatsby
  • gatsby-plugin-image
  • gatsby-plugin-material-ui
  • gatsby-plugin-react-helmet
  • gatsby-plugin-sharp
  • gatsby-plugin-sitemap
  • gatsby-transformer-remark
  • gatsby-transformer-sharp
  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-alice-carousel
  • react-helmet
  • react-icons
  • react-masonry-css
  • react-swipeable-views
  • gatsby-source-filesystem

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